Are you a woman coach ready to grow your income?

But you haven't mastered the sales and marketing skills (yet) to enroll more clients in your coaching practice? 

Maybe you just got certified and have a few beta clients lined up, but no one is paying. 

Or, maybe you've been coaching for a while now, but you plateaued and your revenue is not growing.

Or, maybe you are ready to step into another level of business, and recognize you need to get over your fear of sales. 

 If this describes where you are at this moment, this MASTERCLASS is specifically designed for you! 

In this training, you will learn: 

  • How to overcome self-doubt when it comes to sales and marketing; 
  • How to attract the right clients for your coaching services; 
  • How to build sales confidence that leads to more clients; and
  • How to grow your revenue over time.   

This Masterclass is for Women Coaches already in business. 

  • You have a coaching practice in any of the following sectors - business, health, career, and life coaching.  
  • Your business has been operating for at least 1-2 years.
  • You have some experience with beta and paying clients. 
  • You are coachable, ready to be challenged, and are a high performing, ambitious, visionary entrepreneur. 
  • You want more income, more impact, and more influence in the coaching industry.  


1. I'm not a coach, but I want to become one, will you talk about how to become a coach in this Masterclass?

No, but if you'd like more information about how to become a coach, please send an email to [email protected] with the Subject: COACH QUESTION.

2. I'm a Certified Coach, but have zero sales and marketing experience, how in depth will you go in this Masterclass?

I've designed this class to serve coach entrepreneurs at the beginning stages of their entrepreneurial journey. You don't need any experience in sales and marketing, you just need to be open to learning, open to implementing new ideas, and open to growing your sales and marketing confidence through skills practice. 

3. I'm a coach and speaker, will you talk about sales and marketing for speakers? 

Although I do speak as well (and get paid to speak), this Masterclass is specifically designed for Coach Entrepreneurs who run a Small Coaching Business. If you would like extra guidance on speaking sales and marketing, simply send an email to [email protected] with the headline SPEAKER QUESTION. 

4. The timing does not work for me, will there be a REPLAY available? 

There will be no replays available for this Training, but highlights will be provided. The best way to get the training, is by showing up live and participating. 

5. I'm not a coach, but I need help with my sales and marketing skills, can I still attend?

Yes, sales and marketing skills are transferrable to any industry. Just note that I will be speaking about sales and marketing from the perspective of coaches selling their programs and services. The specific challenges you face in your industry will be unique, but there is always something new to learn! 

Final thoughts...

Becoming a successful Coach Entrepreneur is a journey and process. Have grace with yourself and know that each training you do and each sale you get is one step closer to your vision.

For Women Coaches, some who are the primary caregivers of their families, some who have never had a business before, and others who love the art of coaching but can't get the momentum to run a profitable business, I see you.

I was once in a position of struggle, overwhelm, and challenge as a woman coach and entrepreneur, but with time, effort, and mentorship, I learned the skills and so can you. If you believe that coaching is truly transformational, and maybe a coach has changed your life, stick with it, learn the skills, and get crazy good at Sales and Marketing!  I'm here for you...for every part of the journey! I believe that coaching and entrepreneurship is truly transformational for both the clients and the coaches! 

I'm on a mission to help women coaches, speakers, and entrepreneurs thrive and build a profitable business.

I'm on a mission to increase the financial health and well-being of women entrepreneurs.

Together, when we learn these skills, grow these skills, and use these skills, I am confident that WE (women entrepreneurs) Make Change Happen. 

See you inside the training! 

Dom 🥰

Learn how to enroll clients with ease

Join the Sales Confidence 3-Day Challenge