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Take It One Day At A Time

Season #3 Episode #58

Meet Rona Jobe, a multi-talented woman, who transitioned from a career in management consulting to working remotely in Brazil, to serendipitously finding her next gig in Washington DC by being open, and also raising three kids and supporting her spouse's career in U.S. Diplomacy.

The life of a the professional career woman with children and a traveling spouse has it's challenges. If you are thinking of moving abroad or wondering what it really is like to "make it work," listen to this episode. Rona provides key insights into creating frameworks to plan for big transitions, frameworks to navigate the unknown, and most importantly, she shares a great metaphor for life - it is "precise dance - sometimes you step towards your children, sometimes you step towards your clients..."

Wherever you are in your success journey, remember that it is not about perfection but about creating a life and rhythm that works for you in this season.

You can connect with Rona @SmartRona on Instagram.