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5 Lessons as a Mission-Driven Woman Solopreneur

mission solopreneur woman entrepreneur May 18, 2023

In this episode, I share the main lessons I’ve learned about being my own boss and pursuing my own version of success. As a Mission-Driven Woman Solopreneur, high-achiever and visionary, I’ve learned that Rest, Simplicity, Trusting Your Voice, Creating Community, and Focusing on Service, will keep you going. How about you? What have you learned so far on your journey in entrepreneurship?

Comment below!

Finally, if you'd like to interact with me LIVE, join my next Live Your New Story Virtual Workshop coming up next week.

Canberra, May 24, 11am AEST

Seoul, May 24, 10am KST

Washington, DC, May 23, 9pm ET

Los Angeles, CA, May 23, 6pm PT

Register Here.

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