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How to Design a Successful Day success mindset Jun 01, 2022

In this episode, I share with you a simple framework for designing a successful day.

I call it the "3Ms" - Morning, Movement, Mission. Rather than having your to do list, think about having a to be list. Who must you BE in order to achieve all that you want?

3M Framework:

1) How do you star...

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Be Consistent success habits success mindset Nov 09, 2021

In this week’s episode, I talk about the success topic of CONSISTENCY. In order to achieve your goals, become your best self, experience new and heightened levels of life, you must practice consistency. Consistency in how you show up. Consistency in your intentions. Consistency in your actions. A...

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How To Stay Positive at Home positivity productivity success success mindset Mar 24, 2020

In all of my teachings, videos, and podcasts, I focus on being positive. I focus on framing your mind in such a way that allows you to see and feel what is possible in your life rather than accepting what is. 

I understand the entire world is in distress...and as this virus continues to upend our l...

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2018: How I Learned to Believe in Myself success mindset Dec 31, 2018
What if, I do something different with my life?
What if, I take a risk on myself?
What if, I try entrepreneurship again?
These were questions I started asking myself repeatedly, night after night, as I dreamed of my future. I had just taken a two week family vacation back to California and Haw...
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