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How to Launch Your Speaking Career

Nov 04, 2024

How to Start Your Speaking Career

Have you ever felt called to inspire others and make a real impact?

In Episode 11 of my podcast, I share the journey I took to launch my speaking career and how you can do the same. If you’re just getting started or want to refine your speaking skills, this episode has everything you need to know—from creating your first video to landing paid gigs around the world.

Main Topics Covered:

  • Why Speaking is Important (1:03): In today’s world, I’ve come to realize that speaking is a vital skill for anyone looking to lead, inspire, or create real change. As a coach, entrepreneur, and leader, speaking has allowed me to connect with audiences on a deeper level, share my message, and build trust. It’s not just about delivering information—it’s about creating an emotional connection that inspires action. 
  • Getting Started with Speaking (4:36): Starting small was one of the best decisions I made in my speaking journey. My first step was a simple Facebook video, which, to my surprise, eventually led to paid speaking engagements. I didn’t need fancy equipment or a professional setup—just a genuine willingness to put myself out there.
  • Overcoming the Fear of Speaking (5:45): One of the biggest obstacles I faced as a new speaker was overcoming fear. Stage fright and self-doubt are common, and I quickly learned that the key is to acknowledge the fear but not let it hold me back. Speaking on topics I was passionate about helped keep me grounded and focused on my message rather than my nerves. 
  • Building Your Speaking Career (7:20): As my confidence grew, I started seeking ways to expand my reach. Hosting small workshops and taking on local speaking engagements were key to building a solid foundation. Not only did these experiences allow me to practice and refine my skills, but they also connected me with live audiences in a more intimate setting. 
  • Embracing the Bigger Stage (10:22): As my speaking career developed, I began encountering bigger opportunities—a keynote, a large conference, even international events. Embracing these moments felt intimidating, but I discovered they were where I experienced the most growth. Speaking on bigger stages challenged me to expand my comfort zone, adapt to different audiences, and deliver my message with a stronger impact.

Resources Mentioned:

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