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Am I Ever Going to Fit?

author entrepreneur healer May 24, 2022

In this episode, I interview a friend and colleague, KYLA MITSUNAGA, a Mind-blowing Results Coach, Healer, and Subconscious Expert. In this gem-filled interview, she talks about her framework for helping clients make progress, how she stays positive despite difficulty, her definition of success, and many more awesome insights.


3A Framework: Awareness, Acceptance, Action

This can help you understand where you are, what you need to accept, and what you can actually take action on. In Kyla’s words “You can’t act on something you don’t accept. You can’t accept something that you are not aware of.” So, self-growth happens in this order: AWARENESS > ACCEPTANCE > ACTION. Acceptance being the most difficult, yet important step. 

Facing Society’s Definition of Success vs. Facing Your Definition of Success

“Reframe the way in which you understand success…whose definition of success are you looking at?” 

  • Society– Tesla (check), House (check), Multiple Credit Cards (check)
  • Kyla’s Definition - Freedom to Travel (check), Be in Eureka with Auntie Helping Her Move (Check), Living without Regrets (check)


 “When your judgment of self and others is high, your forgiveness of self and others is low.”  

“When your judgment of self and others is low, your forgiveness of self and others  is high.” 

For the high achievers, forgive yourself more in your life’s journey. Being forgiving is just as important as achieving. 


Swimming everyday is a bonus result. 

Forgiving yourself when you don’t go swimming is a winning result. 

Wanting to grow through fear is a winning result. 

Achieving the income goal is the bonus result. 

Value winning results more, or in other words, value the internal wins, the mindset wins where you are talking kindly and lovingly to yourself as you move imperfectly through life. 

SALLY SAYS “You’re enough” :) 

 Kylalilities Vocabulary

  • Kylalility: Being Kyla in all her Kylaness
  • Poolpihpany (Pool + Epiphany): Insights gained from swimming
  • F word in Happiness: Forgiveness

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KYLA MITSUNAGA is a multi-talented Mind-blowing Results Coach, Healer, and Subconscious Expert. She started out her journey as a Global Happiness Coach teaching workshops internationally, until she fell into a deep depression due to her Mother’s diagnosis of depression. This led to a year of inward reflection that led to an awakening of her inner power. She hired a life coach, took a trip to Bali at a Surf and Yoga Retreat and met a healer, which changed the trajectory of her life. Aside from inspiring, teaching, and coaching others to their full potential, she travels, loves Matcha Lattes, and swimming everyday. 

To connect with Kyla, check out her website:

Or you can check out her books:

On Growing


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