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Build a Life Around What You Love

life coach woman entrepreneur Apr 15, 2023

In this episode, I interview Erica Ballard. She is a Life and Transformational Coach for Women and inspiring entrepreneur. She shares her journey to “her version of success” after years of chasing health and fitness. Erica is a delight and such a joy. She speaks her truth and shares her wisdom. Make sure to write down any insights you learned and how you too can Build A Life Around What You Love :)

Guest Bio: Meet Erica Ballard.  A woman who thought pinstripe suits, a size 4 body, and a corner office were the markings of success. But, after chasing those things, Erica realized that none of that stuff would make her happy (like, really happy). Because, as it turns out, her version of success looked much different than what she was conditioned to believe it should look like. After accepting that truth and honoring her own, Erica now lives a life she loves and is on a mission to help other women do the same through life coaching, women-focused workshops, her podcast The Erica Ballard Show and social media. Learn more about her at 

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