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Create A Life List

law of attraction life goals success habits Sep 10, 2018

Successful people are purposeful and intentional about their daily decisions and actions. They know what they want, they have the outcome or result in mind, and they work relentlessly towards achieving their goals. 

So, what do you want in your life? 

Here are three important questions you need to ask yourself: 

1) What do you want to do?

2) What do you want to have?

3) Who do you want to be?


Having a clear vision of what you want in your life is the first step towards creating the life of your dreams. Anything is possible, you just have to set the intention to get what you want, by thinking about what you want and making it known to yourself. Once you are self-aware of your desires and goals in life, your brain will begin looking for the people, resources, and ideas that will support your life list. 

Be bold, love big, and live your adventure!


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