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Dancing in the Ecstasy of the Present Moment

entrepreneur interview yoga Jul 29, 2020

In this episode, I interview Athena Tabula, Breath Coach, Yoga Instructor, and Founder of the Global Yoga Movement. She shares her journey to wellness, health, and vitality and other gems of wisdom on how to reclaim your space, create harmony in your life, and live in the present moment. 



Athena Tabula is a breath and meditation coach, yoga instructor and Founder of The Global Yoga Movement. Her deep passion for the healing arts stemmed from a wake-up call when she was confronted with choosing between a successful (but highly stressful) career or surgery on both arms and possibly never being able to move the same way again. In the midst of that episode, Athena realigned her focus towards healing the one thing she knew she couldn't get back if she didn't work to preserve and maintain it: her body. From then on, Athena vowed to learn and understand how the body and the mind worked. Resigning from her corporate job, she set out on a solo backpacking trip throughout SE Asia on an extensive soul search to discover the deeper meaning of life. 
A year later, Athena returned to America and eventually the corporate world with a fresh perspective and a new meaning for the words "busy" and "success". The Busy Yogi philosophy was born and she began teaching yoga in the corporate environment to promote the importance of living in a state of harmony with body, mind, and soul. Today, she enjoys integrating all of the skills and life lessons she learned from her journey back to becoming a conscious, intentional human being. Athena is still busy, still traveling, and still doing yoga. For more information about Athena and her projects, go to: 

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