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It's Okay to Slow Down

nourish recharge soulwork wellbeing Jun 05, 2023

In this episode, I talk about the recent heaviness I’ve been sensing with lots of entrepreneurs and leaders. As a high achieving recovering perfectionist, I understand the internalized pressure we can place in ourselves to perform, to excel, to show up, to do good work in the world. Despite this drive and passion, there is also a need for slowing down, resting, and recharging. If you are feeling the burnout or the heaviness in your energy, take time to slow down, reassess how you are living and working, and be okay with not having all the answers. Trust the process. And keep nourishing yourself.

Sending you lots of love! Dom

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Interview Callout! If you or you know a socially-conscious mission-driven entrepreneur/leader, doing inspiring work in the world and you would like to hear their story, please send me their name at [email protected].

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