Join Dom's Table

The Colorful Life

artist life fuel your passion photography success abroad success overseas May 19, 2020

In this week's podcast episode, I interview Romanian-born artist and expat of 20 years, Mari Calai. She shares her secrets to finding her purpose and listening to her inner voice. 

The big lessons: 

1) Ask Why you want something; 

2) Believe in it;

3) Knock on Doors; 

4) Never forget what's inside (your fire, your passion); 

5) Find your people;

6) It will happen.  

Enjoy this week's Episode

You can also watch the YouTube Interview here: 


Mari's Biography and how to get in touch with her: 

Mari has been an artist for the past 10 years. Born and raised in Romania, and now Seoul-based, she has been traveling the world exploring different cultures, and that is what inspires her the most.  She is an international award winning photographer and an avid painter with her most recent exhibitions in Seoul, S. Korea.  Between the two mediums her goal is to express emotions in every single piece of art she makes. 

Email: [email protected]








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