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How to Thrive in the In-Between international moves life transitions Sep 24, 2021

When one is going through a life transition, be it a career transition, a relationship transition, a life phase transition, you must think and reflect on how you want to evolve - how you want to improve - how you want to show up differently in the world so you experience life at a new level.


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Execute The Plan creativity entrepreneurship lifestyle planning Sep 03, 2021

Meet Doris Cho, Founder of Doris Delights, a multi-talented woman who teaches and inspires her family and community by combining her love of cooking, efficiency, and creating simple joys in everyday family life.

In this video, she teaches you her simple yet profound philosophy for success - "Cr...

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Change Makes Us Move Forward community entrepreneurship spain Jul 25, 2021


Meet Ali Meehan, she is the Founder of Costa Women, a free social and business community for women living in Spain and women looking to relocate. In this episode, she shares her advice on relocating to a new country, starting a new business, and her advice on overcoming your fears.

You can f...

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Making Moms' Dreams Happen collaboration creativity entrepreneurship motherhood Jul 09, 2021

What does it take to make your dreams happen? Support, community, and being with other dreamers that believe and act towards their ideas and goals.

I’d like to introduce a collaborative of amazingly creative women from around the world, that just decided to make stuff happen. In the midst of 2020...

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Let in the Good personal growth positive energy Jun 15, 2021

Are you allowing good things to come into your life? Are you letting in the good? Are you making space for the beautiful experiences, friendships, and relationships that life has to offer?
In this episode, I share a simple framework for letting in the good - its EROS.
ENERGY - What b...
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Achieve Small Missions army ranger infantry mindset leadership military Jun 08, 2021




Meet Major Wei Chou, a Foreign Areas Officer, an Army Ranger, a West Point Graduate, and an amazing human being. In this episode, he shares his insights on leadership, success, and what it means to thrive no matter where you land. 

A few key takeaways: 

  1. Positively impact your immedi...
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Take It One Day At A Time entrepreneurship small business owner work life balance May 27, 2021


 Rona Jobe is the Founder of Level Up Strategies and also a Partner at Smart Settlements in Washington, D.C. 
In this episode, she shares her insights into living a more balanced life, while pursuing ambitious goals. She has lived in Brazil and transitioned from a life as a management consu...
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How To Overcome Fear courage overcome fear success Apr 28, 2021

Fear is the number one thing that will prevent you from pursuing your higher self. 

In this episode, I share a few ideas on how to overcome fear. Please take out a journal to write and reflect on what is stopping you from becoming your best self. 

How to Overcome Fear



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Give Yourself Permission with Award Winning Author Jan Von Schleh author creativity inspiration returning home Apr 14, 2021

Have you ever been hit by inspiration? Have you ever acted on creative impulse? Have you ever wanted to be an author, a storyteller, a writer? In this episode, award-winning author and returning diplomat, Jan Von Schleh, shares her journey of living abroad and writing her first book while living i...

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Smile While You Paddle costa rica eco-tourism entrepreneurship surfing yoga Mar 31, 2021



"Success is a steady wave of happiness." - Travis Bays
Travis Bays, the co-founder of Bodhi Surf and Yoga, in Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica shares with us his story of finding and discovering a life and lifestyle that creates income and impact. Travis, originally from the United St...
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Just Keep Pivoting entrepreneurship expat social impact Mar 08, 2021


“When you love what you do, it will bring out the best in you.” Nyna Caputi

Nyna is a role model and a pioneer for expat women around the world. As an expat woman herself, originally from India, Nyna identified an opportunity to do good work in the Bay Area by creating a space and community ...

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BE THE IMPETUS FOR IMPACT entrepreneur impact mindset neurofreedom shiftidentity Dec 11, 2020

Meet Dr. Amanda Barrientez, Founder of NFA Coaching and the Neurofreedom Alignment method. She shares her story of how she gradually shifted her identity from an accomplished professor to a six-figure entrepreneur and coach. She helps her clients discover what success and happiness mean and then h...
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